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Modulation of the anticancer immunity by natural agents: inhibition of T regulatory lymphocyte generation by arabinoxylan in patients with locally limited or metastatic solid tumors PEER REVIEWED


P. Lissoni, G. Messina, F. Brivio, L. Fumagalli, L. Vigore, F. Rovelli, L. Maruelli, M. Miceli, P. Marchiori, G. Porro, M. Held, G. di Fede, T Uchiyamada

(edited by Chris Gutch PhD.)



In the last years, several immunomodulating antitumor agents have demonstrated in the nature, particularly from Aloe plant and rice bran. However, the major problem concerning the natural antitumor agents is to define their immune mechanisms of action in relation to the more recent advances in tumor immunobiology.

At present, the main cause responsible for the lack of an effective antitumor response in advanced cancer patients is belived to be represented by the generation of a subtype of T helper lymphocytes (CD4) with suppressive activity on anticancer immunity, the so-called T regulatory lymphocytes (T reg), which may be clinically identified as CD4*CD25* cells.

On this basis, a study was planned to evaluate the effect of rice bran extract arabinoxylan on T reg cell count and percentage in solid tumor patients in relation to the various lymphocyte subpopulations. The study included 22 evaluable cancer patients, 16 of whom had an untreatable metastatic solid tumor. Arabinoxylan was given orally at a dose of 2000 mg/day for the first month, followed by a dose of 1000 mg/day for the next month. In each patient we evaluated by monoclonal antibodies the absolute number of lymphocytes, T lymphocytes (CD3*), T helper (TH) lymphocytes (CD4*), T cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD8*), NK cells (CD16*CD56*), T reg lymphocytes (CD4*CD25*) and TH/T reg ratio before and after 2 months of therapy. No substantial change occurred on therapy in the mean number of lymphocytes, CD3*, CD8* and NK cells. On the other hand, the mean number of TH cells increased, whereas that of T reg cell decreased on treatment, even though none of these differences was statistically significant. On the contrary, TH/T reg mean ratio significantly enhanced after arabinoxylan therapy. In addition to its previously demonstrated stimulatory action on NK function, this study shows that arabinoxylan may inhibit the production of T reg cells, which are responsible for cancer-related immunosuppression, with a following improvement in the anticancer immunity.

If further studies will confirm these results, arabinoxylan could be successfully associated with chemotherapy to induce not only a cytotoxic destruction of cancer cells, but also an improvement in the immune status.
